Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Attacking those Resolutions

OK, we have finally arrived at 2014! This is an exciting time! The calendar has flipped and we essentially have a clean slate.

So many of us have New Years Resolutions. These resolutions range from losing weight, making more money, attend your place or worship more often, be a better husband or wife, etc.

These are all great changes for people to want to make in their lives.  The problem with these resolutions is, we go hard and change who we are for two weeks or maybe even a month. After the New Year emotion settles down, we go back to our old ways and then late in December, we come up with the same resolutions as the prior year because we did not follow through for 365 days.





It is a vicious cycle that so often we get trapped in.

How do we stop this cycle and make our resolutions a permanent part of our lives?!?!?


Having someone besides yourself to be accountable to will force yourself to make the change that you want in your life.

Lets say your goal is to lose weight and your goal is to stay away from fried/sugary foods and go to the gym 3x per week.

If you do not hit this goal or indulge in a cupcake, there has to be some consequence!  Have an accountability partner that will essentially be the nagging voice in your head to do what you set out to do.

Surround yourself with individuals that have similar goals to yourself. This group of people you have will help each other re-focus when someone in the group strays away from the intended goal.

I wish all of you the best of luck and hope you become the change you want for yourselves!

Have a happy and blessed new year!

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