Monday, January 13, 2014

Stop Trying

The biggest difference between those who are successful and those that aren't is that, those who succeed GET THINGS DONE while who are unsuccessful, TRY.

We all say things like, "I will try to get there by..." or "I will try to get an A on my next exam."

The word "try" sets us up for failure. Trying is making a half decent attempt to accomplish something but avoiding fully committing yourself to getting the task completed. 

The word try needs to be deleted from our vocabularies!

STOP trying and START DOING!

Anybody can try to do something. It requires minimal effort and gives us wiggle room to not accomplish the goal and we can always keep our word by staying in our comfort zone and saying we will "try" to do something.

FULLY COMMIT yourself to the tasks that you want to accomplish!

Saying you will do something instead of trying to do something establishes your level of commitment to a task.

I WILL run a marathon this year

I WILL earn the promotion I want at work

I WILL be debt free by...

I WILL have a 3.5 GPA this semester

There is power in the words that we speak!

Remove yourself from your comfort zone and fully commit to the things you want to accomplish!

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