Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Snow Day Production

There is no debating that inclement weather ruins our plans and causes us to put off doing important tasks until the weather clears up. This does not mean that we should remain unproductive for the day or so that we may be confined to being indoors. There are several ways we can remain productive while being inside on those cold, snowy days of winter...

1. Exercise
Jumping jacks, squats, lunges, sit ups or push ups can waken our cold and tired bodies as well as helping us improve our overall fitness level while we are confined to our homes

2. Read a book
We do not need to sit around all day and watch a marathon of our favorite TV shows for 6-8 hours. Reading a book is a good change of pace and will help us sharpen our minds

3. Work or Pay Bills
You are stuck at home but the bill collectors need their money on time. Instead of waiting until your usual day to take care of the bills, use this unplanned extended time at home to get these tasks done. We all have access to the internet with the opportunity to work from home. Your office is shut down for the day but many times we can take care a few of the emails we need to respond to from the comfort of our own home

The cold weather can lead us to being lazy but these are just a few ways that we can remain productive and only requires an hour or so of our time

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